Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Her little red wagon...

We went for a walk last night... and she insisted on pulling the wagon (with no help) rather than riding in the wagon. She definitely has a mind of her own. I didn't mind though, because I was able to follow behind and take some pretty cute photos! (And, I'm even on theme... there's a slight sun flare in there somewhere!).

 CC is always appreciated! Thanks for looking!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I <3 NY

The hubby and I (and my camera!) went to NYC a few weeks back. We had a fabulous time!
The first 2 shots are taxis in Times Square. I had to take the time to practice my panning. I shot about 20 exposures but got a few keepers! I think these two are pretty neat (click to enlarge to see better details)! The last 2 shots are of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a very hazy and hot day and the sky was an ugly, dreary gray color which didn't do much to help these photos so I decided to just go with it and convert them to creamy black and whites.
CC is appreciated! :)

Thanks for looking!