Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fun with a tablecloth

While wandering through Target today, I stumbled upon the 50% off summer clearance section. Lots of fun stuff, especially these pretty pink & white geometric tablecloths. You know you have a problem when the first thing you think is, "ohhh that could be a really cute backdrop"! When we got home we tried it out... despite slightly cramped quarters and a 50mm lens, I was able to get a few keepers. I wish I could have gotten her further from the background so it would have been more blurred, but nonetheless, the tablecloth/background for $1.74 was well worth it!!

Thanks for looking! CC is appreciated!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Best Buds

I never knew what a blessing have a dog was until Kylie was born. The doggie brings so much joy into her day. Every morning she is just thrilled to wake up and see her doggie! She plays with her, while laughing her head off, all day long! I caught a few minutes of their typical time together and couldn't resist making it into a collage!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sun is Glorious

Kinda on theme because this last shot was taken using fill flash! ;)