Saturday, March 29, 2008

The girl wears many hats!

Thanks for looking!
Manual mode. Manual focus- 50mm f/1.8. SS 1/100, f/3.2, ISO 400.

P.S. I'm having some issues with focus... I tend to get one eye in focus while the other is blurry. What's the deal? Any tips?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Keeping the faith...

... that this winter will eventually fade away and we actually can go outside more than once a week!
I've seen a lot of this in the last 5-6 months:

Just peering out the window...seeing if that cold, nasty white stuff is still there.

Also trying to keep the faith that I will eventually become the photographer that I want to be!
I'm finally starting to figure out back-lighting and learning to expose correctly for my subject. My ISO was 800 (where I tend to keep it indoors), so it's slightly grainy. Is that where I should have it? 

CC is appreciated! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Just wearing mommy's hat and scarf! I think she pulled it off pretty well!

Thanks for looking!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Coloring Eggs

We colored some eggs for Easter tonight and had a great time! I totally forgot to adjust my white balance and left it in Auto... so the blucky yellow tones are from the overhead light (ugh)!
But, regardless the memories are captured!
Thanks for looking!

I focused on the "green" egg... so, I'm even on theme!!

Manual. SS 1/80, f/5.6, ISO 800, external flash- bounced off ceiling.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

50 degrees!

We got some much needed outdoor play time in today!
And I got to take pictures with natural light, imagine that! It did happen to be direct sunlight, but I'm not complainin'!

Just throwing this one in because I love these little Levi's!

Shot with my 55-200mm. Manual. SS 1/640, f/10, ISO 200
Do they seem overexposed? Some spots seem blown out to me. Any suggestions on how to make these better?
Thanks for stopping in!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ring Around the Rosy...

She has recently discovered this little jingle, and man she LOVES it!! 

These were all taken with my 50mm, therefore I had to manually focus, so they may not be totally sharp, but I had to capture it nonetheless.  Manual mode. SS 1/800, f/6.3, ISO 400

Sunday, March 9, 2008

When life gives you snow...

...put it in the sink and play with it!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Sign of Spring

These little bird prints give me hope! Hope that this snow will eventually melt, the temperatures will go above freezing, the sun will come out and the birds will decide to return and actually stay awhile!
Click to enlarge to see them in greater detail.

And just a sweet one of the hubby and baby's hands!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Well, I really stunk at last week's theme of interaction. You would've thought that would have been an easy one for me, seeing as all I do is take pictures of my daughter, trying to capture her interacting and learning about the world around her! I was in a slump... and I'm blaming it on the weather.

Today, however, is a different story! It's March (finally!) and it feels like Spring! It's sunny and in the 60's, the snow is even melting! We decided to get out and play, since we here that it won't be here for long. In true Ohio fashion, the temps are expected to plummet into the 20s tonight. Oh fun.

We went to the park today and did some swinging.  Below are some of the action shots. I've included the before and afters, so that you can see the slight cropping I did.
I just finished reading Learning to See Creatively by Bryan Peterson. Great book. I'm trying to work on the composition of my photos, in particular, the rule of thirds. I didn't have a lot of time to think and compose during this photoshoot (the swinging was a little fast!), so I've tried to crop these photos to capture the look that I was after. I wanted her to be the main focus against the pretty blue sky.  Besides the cropping, these are all sooc.
CC is appreciated!! Thanks for looking! 

Manual. SS 1/500, f/9.0, ISO 200. Fill flash.